Onward + Steadfast! Moving forward with a Brick + Mortar!

Monday, December 17, 2012

I am going to start by saying last week was one heck of a week! I am aware that I am both exhausted and energized at the very same time. What an odd thing to experience!

On Monday I signed the papers that begins a new chapter in my life. It is official! Adored Vintage will have a store front in 2013! Check out what the space looks like

I am starting to examine what this means. What do I want it to be? What am I committed for it to be? At this point in my life a regular open 6-7 days a week shop isn't in my plan. It doesn't interest me. I'm clear on that at least. I haven't gotten clear to what exactly it is I will be doing in the retail shop. Other than the vague "Oh I'm going to sell vintage and work in it".

Oh man! I do love this part of the process!

The dreaming up. The putting together. The planning. The pinning. Oh yes, the pinning! I am a very visual creature. I will paint myself a picture and from that I will start to derive what this space will be and how I will be utilizing it to move forward with my business.

*excitement all a buzzing*

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